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Ing. Andrea Koblížková, Ph.D.

Rectorate and University Units
466 036 716
Mgr. Pavel Brebera, Ph.D.
Deputy Head

Rectorate and University Units
466 036 483
Mgr. Ilona Bourová
Head of Study Agenda

Rectorate and University Units
466 036 233
Bc. Eva Ropková
Language Centre - Secretariat

Rectorate and University Units
466 036 341

Language Coordinators

Mgr. Jan Šebek
for FES

Rectorate and University Units
466 036 671
Mgr. Yveta Linhartová, Ph.D.
for DFJP

Rectorate and University Units
466 036 220
Mgr. Markéta Denksteinová
for FEI

Rectorate and University Units
466 036 710
Mgr. Zuzana Bezdíčková
for FZS

Rectorate and University Units
466 036 220
Mgr. Jana Nejezchlebová
for FChT

Rectorate and University Units
466 036 798
Mgr. Radka Švadláková, Ph.D.
Czech as a foreign language

Rectorate and University Units
466 036 566


MPhil. Zaan Bester
Rectorate and University Units
466 036 139
Mgr. Irena Podlásková
Rectorate and University Units
466 036 483
Mgr. Šárka Zikešová
Rectorate and University Units
466 036 670
Mgr. Jitka Suchardová Nováková, Ph.D.
Rectorate and University Units
466 036 671
Mgr. Attila Béla Pató, Ph.D.
Rectorate and University Units
466 036 650
Mgr. Petr Stránský, Ph.D.
Rectorate and University Units
466 036 225
Mgr. Šárka Boušková
Rectorate and University Units
466 036 566
Mgr. Linda Pospíšilová, Ph.D.
Rectorate and University Units
466 036 483
Mgr. Libuše Paseková Jelínková
Rectorate and University Units
466 036 386
Mgr. Kateřina Kubanová
Rectorate and University Units